#Random thought

Diri ini masih lemah rupanya.

Yesterday, I cried because mr. specky went to Klang for his LI. I cried like he was going far far far away for me. Duh.And I told my friend,

"Nanti kalau dia busy, dekat siapa aku nak mengadu bila aku down lepas jawab paper?"
And my friend said "Allah kan ada. Mengadu pada dia."

Yeah, I loved him so much till I forgot to put Allah in front. Astaghfirullahalazim. Hati manusiakan Allah yang pegang. Mana tau 1 day, he might cheat on me, or leave me? Or die? What's my reaction then? Menangis sampai pengsan ke? Salahkan takdir ke? Bunuh diri ke? Mintak dijauhkan. Whatever it is, and how much I love him, I should put Allah first in everything I do. Sebab Allah yang menentukan kehidupan aku. Ismi, learnt it. Satu hari nanti, mr. specky tetap akan tinggalkan kau. Kalau bukan sebab yang negatif, ajal mungkin. Jadi kau kena bersedia dari sekarang. Hidup kau bergantung pada Allah bukan pada manusia. Manusia cuma sebagai perantara saja.

Next, tomorrow is my first day of exam. Currently too many things I can't remember. And I'm still here doing crappy things. Just need some space to story. My God, I really want to perform well. Yet, I still scared and dont have any confident. Well, this is my bad. But I am really scared. Because I know that my effort is very small. I cant hoping for miracle because Allah give on what we've done. Just, Im hoping that, my small effort will still in head till the exam paper is in front of me. Please, Ya Allah.


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